Ad Rem Advocacy and Outreach
Advocating goals for intangibles, such as causes, public issues, and ideas, can range from raising awareness and triggering engagement, to requesting action. This training covers the sensitivities of advocacy and outreach.
Communications on issues, causes, ideas and ideals, or for fund raising and calls to action, are the core of many non-profit organizations. Today, many businesses are also in the business of taking stances on issues of public interest; often, this is something that is expected of them.
With mass communication and the development of social media platforms, it has become easier to generate interest in issues that previously remained in the realm of traditional news outlets. On matters such as social justice, civil liberties, climate change, or policies affecting local and regional communities, people now look for statements or reactions not only from their political representatives, but also from the companies that provide their goods and services.
On issues deemed controversial by segments of society, it is important to know how to articulate a position - whether that be one of support, of opposition, or of walking a fine line in a gray area.
Advocacy is no longer a matter just for advocates; it has become expected of public figures and institutions, and of corporations the world over.
In advocacy and outreach types of communications, influencing and persuading play a large role, but because of the sheer volume of voices and messages most people are receiving each day, it is difficult for advocates to maintain the audience’s interest, let alone to lead them to action – such as signing a petition, voting, donating, or even sharing advocacy posts.
There are many challenges in creating a sustainable communications mix, knowing that limited opportunities for novelty are likely in the long term. Relevant messaging and inventive content that avoid repetition are needed, particularly for communications on issues that are difficult or painful to follow, and to which audiences may have become desensitized.
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