Ad Rem Global and Intercultural Communications
There are many considerations to make when addressing a global audience. These include cultural specificities, regional customs, and social and political norms, all of which must be respected and understood for your message to be well received.
Communications for markets of different languages and cultures are not simply a matter of translation.
Even with English having become the world’s lingua franca, addressing global audiences has not precluded governments, corporations, and organizations from making basic mistakes that have touched many nerves.
So how do you avoid making the dreaded gaffe when addressing markets and cultures that are not yours? And what do you do if, despite your precautions and your best intentions, you still have inadvertently offended part of your target audience? You will need expert counsel, and a commitment to laying the groundwork smartly before engaging.
Culturally-informed communications require knowledge, diplomacy, and tact.
With consulting and training on intercultural communications, you can learn how to prepare to communicate with different audiences around the globe, and how to respond to potential unintended blunders that even multinational corporations have sometimes committed.
You will understand the complexities of versioning, how to avoid pitfalls of miscommunication and mistranslation, and how to deal with the challenges of staying on message while reaching new audiences in potential target markets.
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