Ad Rem One-on-One Express
This is a fast, quickly-arranged consultation for urging communication issues needing a clear course of action, with a higher level of engagement from your senior executive or comms director, resulting in the immediate determination of actionable steps that can be complemented with further services as needed.
If you are facing a situation that merits immediate attention, you may not have time for a training or a long consulting process that realigns your communications. What you might need most is quick access to an expert consultation, so that you can explain your predicament and get instant advice.
We can do this quickly and efficiently on a call.
Even the best communications plans and deliveries can hit rough patches. Whether because of dated strategies or because a communication crisis management plan is facing unpredicted challenges, sometimes the best way to deal with an urgent issue is to seek focused guidance from an expert counsel.
It could be a reputation issue, an unexpected event that requires a prompt, faultless reaction through a press release, an interview, or other types of content that have to hit the mark. This is the time you need the objective perspective of a comms expert, who will tell you exactly what you need to hear and not necessarily what you want to hear.
When time is of the essence, focus first on getting the best support and overcoming your hurdle; you can rectify the direction of your communications in subsequent steps.
For prompt, focused, expert advice, set up a 1:1 consultation that helps put you back in the driver’s seat and gets you to the point.
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